Grand Rounds-Read All About It!

There are few organizations that have retained their good name and great works like the American College of Physicians

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has (ACP is the alternative to the AMA in many people’s books). With that same integrity, incisive style, and thoroughness, the ACP delivers a great Grand Rounds this week – all […]

Can A Finance Article Help Your Health?

MP Dunleavey has gone where no other money advisor has gone before! She’s written a nice, sound article about how

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to Stress Less About This Recession. Perhaps, like me, you’re thinking the article will be about tips for saving, budgeting, or investing?

Um. No.

Instead, she wrote an excellent piece about managing […]

Ten Steps To Joy

Here’s a great slideshow from (of all places) Forbes. In this slideshow, you get a run-down of proven, effective ways to

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increase your happiness – in 10 different steps. The information is surprisingly data-driven (meaning that it’s based on studies, as opposed to pure opinion) and most of it has been seen […]

Well Worth It: Cancer-Blocker for Smokers

There have been some great science reviews of practical tips recently! Here is the third of four proven, data-driven studies that you may not hear much about in the main-stream media (usually because of a lack of profit-driven PR). Be sure to forward the Well Worth It information along to those you care about who […]

Well Worth It: Ingrown Toenail Care

There have been some great science reviews of practical tips recently! Here is the second of four proven, data-driven studies that you may not hear much about in the main-stream media (usually because of a lack of profit-driven PR). Be sure to forward the Well Worth It information along to those you care about who […]

Well Worth It: March

There have been some great science reviews of practical tips recently! Here is the first of four proven, data-driven studies that you may not hear much about in the main-stream media (usually because of a lack of profit-driven PR). Be sure to forward the Well Worth It information along to those you care about who […]