Social Media and the Patient Community Explosion

There’s a great post over at Diabetes Mine about the explosion in patient interaction and patient communities around social media. It’s well worth a read so you should head on over and take a look. Here’s an excerpt.

Everyone wants to know what the patient community is thinking these days. The explosion of social media […]

What’s It Like In Japan Right Now?

I got a chance to interview Jesse Mendoza of Jordan International Aid who is in Japan right now doing relief work. You can listen to the live interview, below. Numbers and reports from the area are changing all the time. Jesse gave me some idea of what it is like there right now in the […]

Part 2: Gunpowder on the street

In tandem, both ambulance, and fire truck, red lights strobed across the narrow cave-like doorway to the Tom Waddell clinic. The images flashed in the dark, like red-tinted, stop-motion animation. Inside the narrow space the six of us from needle exchange creaked zombie-like to our feet from where we’d been bent over bodies. Two men […]

Haiti storms, cholera and you: Time to thank your toilet

I have a new best friend. She’s cool and smooth and adaptable. Kind of like a Dragon-Tattooed-urbanite who can deal with any situation, from a tweaking guest at a rave, to the post-modern gut-angst of intellectuals. She’s slow to rile too – give her a nudge and all she does is gurgle at you.

She’s […]

Are California prisons breeding resistant Tb?

It was kind of amazing how little coverage the recent report on healthcare in our prison systems got. Heck, you may be thinking, I don’t think that’s amazing – why waste airtime on that topic – why should I fret and worry about the healthcare that prisoners get when my child is burning up with […]

Do YOU Live In A Food Desert?

Image via Wikipedia

First, it was the opening of a Kroger in East Oakland. Now it’s the announcement that Tesco’s Fresh and Easy is heading to the Bayview. What exactly, you may be asking yourself, makes these stories major headline news?

And why is a doctor spending time writing about grocery stores too?

Turns […]