
In a story that has gotten surprisingly little media coverage, a doctor from

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Colorado will go on trial for the suicidal death of a 19-year-old Stanford student. Why should this story have gotten wider coverage? Because the Colorado doctor prescribed Prozac to the located-in-California 19-year-old, without ever seeing or talking to him, […]

A Keeper of a List

Here’s something everyone should have tucked away for future reference – a superb list of the Top Ten

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health search engines in existence, with details about their strengths and weaknesses. Why would you want this list (especially if you’ve never used a health search engine)? These resources are how you find out […]

You Did It!

For everyone who participated in the Holiday Cards for Heroes campaign (to get 1,000,000 holiday cards to our men and women serving or injured), give yourselves a huge round of hugs! Check out the message below (hey, does this video count as a gratitude journal entry, which gives the giver benefits as they thank us […]

Brand Drug Smack-Down

Here are two neat follow-ups to the Doc Gurley article about safely Dosing Your Drug Dollars.

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1) Despite good evidence showing their effectiveness, a lot of people (doctors and patients alike) still don’t feel comfortable with generic drugs – especially in some areas like heart medicines. So exactly why is that? This […]

Slate (of all places) Tackles the FDA!

Here’s a succinct article about the horrors of today’s FDA – and specifically what we should do about it. You

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may be thinking this link will take you directly to the NY Times, or possibly the on-line version of 60 minutes – right? Uh…nope. The biggest news source to tackle the corporate-friendly […]

Grand Rounds Giving

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This week’s theme for Grand Rounds, the weekly roundup of top posts from medical blogs, is on the theme of gift, giving and year-end perspectives. It is being held at Highlight Health and, given the topic and the time of year is not only topical and timely, but also a (Christmas) […]