Nine Practical Tips on How To Avoid A Death Like Heath Ledger’s

More heartbreak. The New York City Coroner announced today that Heath Ledger’s death was an accidental overdose. The word accidental is insider code for the fact that none of the blood levels of any one of his medicines was high enough to mean that Heath Ledger tried to kill himself–they were all in the range […]


You’d almost think this article was a follow-up to a Doc Gurley post titled 10 Creative Ways To Get Your Doctor To Wash His Hands. Read the article if you want a review of the issue of doctors and handwashing (or lack thereof). Read the Doc Gurley November 16 post if you want a quirky […]


It is with a heavy and broken heart (yes, both—imagine a massive boulder, pounded into bits of sand, then put in very large plastic bags and doused with water, rendering the bag so heavy that if you try to lift one, the plastic just stretches and tears—that heavy), that I am forced to concede, […]

8 Quirky Health Facts for Which You Can Give Thanks

1) Giving thanks improves your mood and your quality of life, both of which have a tremendous positive impact on your health. Seems like a cheat, doesn’t it, but who am I to question? We can give thanks for gratitude.

2) You can bulk up in your geriatric years. It’s never too late to start. […]

10 Creative Ways To Get Your Doctor To Wash His Hands

Are you worried about catching the horrifying MRSA super-bug when you go see the doctor? I’m embarrassed, as a physician, to say that there are legitimate reasons to be worried. Doctors actually do a bad job of washing their hands, with observed rates of hand-washing in the ICU as low as 28% […]

Our First Bogus Award

Congratulations! The winner of this week’s BOGUS (Bonehead Overblown Groundless Unverified Study) Award is (drum roll please)…

Stressed-Out Moms Carry Babies on the Right

Okay, let’s get a few things straight, right up front. First, carrying your kids “on the right” is not about politics. Second, what mom is not stressed out? […]