Nurse Ratchet Grand Rounds!

Wahoo! Check out this week’s Grand Rounds at Nurse Ratchet’s new site. Great graphics, fun info, priceless insights – what more could you want? While you’re there, poke around and read one of Doc Gurley’s favorite Nurse Ratchet posts – the pulp fiction edition. Somehow I can’t place myself in any of these graphic covers […]

A Silver Lining In The Silver Lining…

Here’s a nice data-review in the Harvard Health News about the role of optimism and health. This article is a good summary of several large studies on whether having a better outlook on life can help your health. It is a long article (four online dense pages), so here, for all you Doc Gurley readers, […]

College Care

First-time college-goers are experiencing huge life changes this time of year. With a heads up from the New York Times health news, I found that PsychCentral has developed a nice, detailed list of articles for the college-bound about ways to make the transition work – very practical advice on topics, including the (yikes) difficult roommate. […]

An Apple A Day…

Looking to expand your productivity and your mind? Head over to AppleQuack for this week’s Grand Rounds – and then check out some of the site’s handy reviews and tips on how to Mac-out your approach to working in healthcare. A great way to combine tips and snips (of posts). Enjoy!

Joy Tidbits

Here’s a great article about specific, science-based ways to increase the joy in your life. Based on some relatively small studies, these tips range from the abstract to the hard-nosed. Take a look at the list below, then read my take on two of these tips – one gets a yes! and, one gets an […]

(Un)Forgettable Sex

In what can only be called a marketing disaster, drug companies have been forced to add new warning labels to all three erectile dysfunction drugs (Cialis, Viagra, and Levitra). What’s the new side effect? Just the fact that these drugs can cause Transient Global Amnesia. Yep, you read that right, folks – take the pill […]