Baby Bogus

A New Year’s BOGUS has been born! (is it just me, or did that happen awfully fast?). And let me tell you, this

Image by rochelle, et. al. via Flickr

one is a ten-pound whopper with a stinky diaper chock-full of…well, you get the idea. An “evolutionary biologist” published an actual paper asserting that the […]

Joy Synopsis!

If you’re looking for a breezy, informative and entertaining way to get the low-down on…joy (and who

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isn’t?), look no further than here. Slate has a wonderful interview with Gretchen Rubin (of The Happiness Project). After a few minutes reading this interview, you’ll walk away feeling like a happiness-research data pro. And […]

Inauguration 2009 Grand Rounds!

The inimitable Dr. Val (of Get Better Health) is hosting an special, Inaugural Edition of Grand Rounds. The

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theme is, of course, healthcare reform. Take a breather from our country’s festivities and head on over. You can check out what the entire healthcare blogosphere (patients, advocates, nurses, doctors and all the team!) […]

Pharm Fox in the Health Henhouse!

In a last minute announcement under the Bush administration, one that leaves consumer advocates stunned,

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our FDA (Foolish and Deteriorated Abysmally) has passed a ruling that allows pharmaceutical companies to directly market off-label (translation: unapproved) uses of drugs to doctors. The caveat that’s supposed to make this all okey-dokey (per the industry) […]

Where Did I Put My Coffee Cup?

Now we’ve learned that people in middle age who drink 3 or more cups of coffee a day are over 50% less likely to

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develop dementia/Alzheimer’s in later life. A previous study in April revealed dementia-preventing effects from one cup of coffee a day – but that study was done with […]

Connect with Grand Rounds!

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This week’s Grand Rounds is hosted by the wonderful Barbara at In Sickness and In Health. The theme? Connections, of course. Barbara’s blog is a wonderful exploration of the many-layered impact that health issues can have on relationships – both intimate and casual. Hers is a rare look at the dynamic […]