Beginner’s Boost

Sometimes you find something divine on the web – just lying there, surrounded by mostly dull or destructive advice.

Image by ninahale via Flickr

Nowhere is the dull/destructive approach more common than with the topic of weight-loss/exercise. As almost all of us struggle just to be healthy, why is it that the majority of articles […]

Grand Rounds Business

Head on over to Health Business Blog for a superb round-up of the healthcare world’s musing, all done in an

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impressively business-like manner. David Williams’ round-up gives you the perfect amount of info – enough to inspire the desire for more. While you’re there, you’ll get a great overview of the innovation […]

Joy: Is Your Legg Stanky? Why Not?

Here’s a great argument for not overthinking the sources of joy that pop up in our lives. It’s a passionate defense of the

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new dance move, the Stanky Legg, with some great video clip links so that you too can learn how to Lean Into It . I dare you to watch […]

Elephant in the Peanut Butter Jar

Here’s a thorough, well-researched health article that completely misses the most obvious point. The topic?

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Was there a deadly lag (of many months) in identifying the peanut butter – spread of Salmonella, and, what contributed to it. Not once is the following, let’s say hypothetical, scenario mentioned.

Here’s the way it works:


Faux Help

How would you like to be offered kind, objective assistance with a serious health issue, only to discover that

Image by Nemo’s great uncle via Flickr

it’s actually an ad for a drug? And how about if that False Offer of Help actually meant that drug companies no longer provided the required warnings about serious […]

Dynamite Grand Rounds

One of the world’s most fun blogs – Emergiblog – hosts today’s Grand Round of the healthcare blogosphere.

Image via Wikipedia

Kim has done a fantastic job, using the movie, Napolean Dynamite as the frame for all things health. It’s a great fit, and fun too – hey, we’re not quirky (much). Head on over […]