A Queef of Death – Banished!

Medical Question of the Day: What has been the biggest user complaint about female condoms (the only

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woman-initiated barrier method for prevention of HIV/AIDS)?

Answer: The original female condom is described as being “noisy during use.” And, frankly, who wants to be the Queen of Queef?*

Which actually makes the squeaky sounds […]

Grand Rounds In Motion

This week’s Grand Rounds of the healthcare blogosphere is hosted over at Pharmamotion. Finding this site was like

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discovering a blooming violet under a nest of weeds (hey, can you tell what Doc Gurley has been obsessively doing this week?). Pharmamotion specializes in multi-media explanations of some of healthcare’s most confusing topics […]

Treat Your Work-Stress

An unfortunate side-effect of the recession is that more and more people are feeling “trapped” in jobs. Why is this so –

Image by DeathByBokeh via Flickr

shouldn’t a person just be grateful they still have a paying job? Well, fewer jobs are available (none in some fields) and even if another position is possible, […]

Power to the Uninsured!

There’s a great article today talking about the uninsured’s perceived lack of political power. Much of what the article

Image by Steve Rhodes via Flickr

says feels true – I can certainly attest that people who lack health insurance often see it as a shameful thing – a statement about their own failures instead of […]

Part II: A Modest Proposal

Money, money, money – it’s all you hear about in the news. A billion here, a trillion there. Before you know it, we’re

Image by swanksalot via Flickr

talking serious bonus. The Huffington Post published an article about how smokers are good for the economy. Since they die so conveniently young, smokers save taxpayers a […]

Part I: Could You Just Die Already?

Ah, the demons of cost -effectiveness have reared their snake-writhing heads again. Now don’t get me wrong – Doc

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Gurley has actually done some cost-effectiveness research in her day: here and here. That experience taught her that people who do this type of research for a living (not all of them, but […]