Sample Grand Rounds Poll

Still not sure if you want to register for our brand spanking new Grand Rounds LIVE! Edition? For those who are

A porcupine eating grass and clover.
Image via Wikipedia

wavering, keep in mind that we’ll be weighing in on complicated medical topics, germane to the task of healthcare delivery, with such incisive policy-oriented polls as:

1) To what circle of hell should all ICD-9 codes be dispatched?

a –338 Pain, NOS

b – Purgatory rejected due to insufficient documentation please resubmit. Resubmit. Resubmit. Resubmit…

c – E906.8 (Same coding for both “gored by animal,” or pricked by “porcupine quills” – your choice. Also “pecked by bird” and “stepped on by animal, not being ridden”).

d – E912 Bean in nose.

Yes – these are real codes. Vote for your choice in the comments sections below (or add one of your own!) – then head over to and register. None of the information you provide will be shared or sold – it’s purely to gain access to the webinar!)

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