Unfortunate Quote of the Day

In a BBC news report on a preliminary research discovery that testicles may become a source for stem cells, Professor Robin Lovell-Badge (how British is that name?) is quoted as saying that further work needs to be done; therefore the issue “will have to be left dangling a little longer.” Could you turn your head […]

Calling Dr. Barbie

Here’s a truly provocative study – looking at whether or not reading a novel about positive images and weight loss can affect the weight of severely overweight tweens. And the answer is…(envelope please) YES. Turns out that girls who were randomly assigned to read a novel with positive messages and information about healthy weight loss […]

Multi-tasking Moxie

Okay, everyone who thinks they can multi-task, raise your hand (while returning that call from your client). There’s a nice summary on NPR about how the brain actually works – which debunks the myth that we can truly multi-task. What the executive function of the brain does (in our frontal lobes) is switch between activities, […]

Wet Nurse Rising

Here’s an interesting and provocative article about the impact of the contaminated infant formula scandal in China. There is a resurgence of demand for wet nurses – who are impressively paid, according to the numbers in this article (well, that is in comparison to the usual pay in China). One of the reasons the article […]

Gluten: How Much Is Too Much?

If you have a gluten-related disease, know someone with gluten sensitivity or just wonder about how someone could ever give up croissants for life, you might be interested in a nice article in MedScape that asks the question, how much gluten is too much? gluten is present in tons of food – everything […]

Meet The FTC, Your New Drug Watchdog.

The FTC recently stepped in and – after lengthy (and more than fair) warnings – charged five companies with ‘making false and misleading claims for cancer cures’ and they are set to go in front of judges in court. Several other companies settled for fairly trivial financial amounts and before even that over a hundred […]