Tropical Grand Rounds

Feel the island breeze? Got that scratchy sand feeling between your toes? If so, that means you’re ready for a great beach read – and here is it, thanks to Dr. David Khorram over at Marianas Eye. He’s hosting this week’s Grand Rounds with a tropical theme from Saipan. What makes a good beach read? Something to make you snort your pina colada with laughter, something to touch your heart and fool you into thinking those tears are from the ocean breeze, something to inspire you to re-tackle the life you left back home so you can carry a bit of vacation zen with you like a smooth stone in your pocket. He’s got all that and more – headlines galore, and a great site to explore after you finish this week’s round-up. Check out the best of the healthcare blogosphere and feel your tension fade away. Sunscreen, anyone?

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