Dare Not Speak Its Name

Doc Gurley Pop Quiz!*

“Dare not speak its name” refers to (choose one):

1) Traditional Jewish law about the four-letter name for God 2) George Carlin’s send-up of TV censorship [WARNING: definitely R-rated video] 3) The CIA’s role in Guantanamo Bay interrogations 4) Homosexuality – Lord Alfred Douglas’ description of his relationship with Oscar Wilde […]

Grand Rounds Learning!

Grab your lunch box and crayons and head on over to Laurie Edwards’ great site for some elegant prose, some searing insights, and a chalkboard talk on all things health. Ms. Edwards is hosting this week’s Grand Rounds of the Best of the Health Blogosphere and her theme is learning/education. As a teacher and writer […]

Migrating Mammaries

Yeowza! Who knew that structural cells within your body are going on field trips? Raise your hands. No one? Well, neither did I. Last year we awarded a Doc Gurley Most Explosive Medical News of 2007 prize to a body (har) of work which shows that any woman who has ever been pregnant has male […]

Some Health News Tidbits

Some great news for all pregnant women – especially those at risk for premature births. It looks like plain old mag sulfate can dramatically cut the risk of cerebral palsy. Magnesium sulfate is already one of the best choices for controlling early contractions and now it seems it has other benefits too.

Normal cells may […]

Renaissance Rural Rounds!

This week’s Grand Rounds is a tour-de-Shakespearean-force at the wonderful Dr. Chan’s Rural Doctoring. Tune in for both a round-up of the best of the healthcare blogosphere AND a bright refresher of some of the Bard’s best lines. If you’re not a regular visitor to Rural Doctoring, poke around – there’s some elegant, insightful and […]

Driving Deaths Decline

The price of gas goes up, less people die. Reports show that’s not just a prediction, but a reality. The good news is that 6,000 people will survive this year who otherwise would have died. But it all seems so…well, abstract – especially compared to very detailed pain (would you like a receipt with that?) […]