Grand Rounds Giggle

This week’s Grand Rounds is a blast. Head over to Musings of A Distractible Mind to read the inimitable Dr. Rob’s take on all thing health in the entire world of healthcare blogging. After you’ve read this week’s round-up, poke around and discover other gems. His site is full of poetry, great insights into health […]

5 Tips to Avoid Seasonal Scratchiness

The furnace kicks on and right afterward your life becomes a misery – dry eyes plague you, dry skin leaves you feeling itchy and grumpy, and seasonal eczema patches blossom over your upper arms and thighs. These are symptoms that can torture you, but usually aren’t a high healthcare priority when you see your doctor, […]

Daylight Death…

It’s creeping up behind you, silent and sinister. It’s (buh buh BUH BUH) Daylight Savings Monday! Honestly, it’s no joke that more people die the Monday after we adjust clocks – and for tragically preventable reasons. Last March, when we were springing forward, the increase in deaths was due to road fatalities from decreased morning […]

Emergi-Grand Rounds!

This week’s Grand Rounds is a treat for those who take the time to head over to Emergiblog and check it out. This week’s host, Kim, is a fun, personable, informed, and powerful voice in the increasingly crowded heathcare-blogging scene. This week she lines up the many zinger posts that were sent her way and […]

Altruism At Work

What if you only had 2 minutes to explain the importance of doing something good for the world? That’s the challenge present to me by the wonderful folks at WellSphere, when I was nominated for an Everyday Heroes Award. Take a minute (okay, two) and see my response, below:

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7 Days And Counting!

It’s a mere seven (count them, 7!) days until the World Premiere Red Carpet (okay, well, reddish – we’ve spilled some food on it) Launch of the first ever Doc Gurley video – The Lost Tampon! Helicopters are whirring overhead, papparazzi are milling outside, and numbered, engraved invitations have been sent…to YOU! Tune in next […]