Six Until Grand Rounds

Ready for a wonderful round-up of the best of the healthcare blogosphere? Head on over to Six Until Me, where Kerri

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will wow you with the latest and greatest posts. Her site is full of all the key elements of great blogging – unique insight, personal drama, pithy opinions and superb healthcare […]

Swine Flu – Ten Tips for Me and You

Now that America has declared a state of swine flu public health emergency, you may be asking yourself – what am I supposed to do? Here is a list of ten practical steps you can take to prepare and protect yourself and your family.

1)Â Know the symptoms – Here are some of the symptoms […]

Free Together

Roxana Saberi, from Fargo, North Dakota, is spending her birthday in Tehran’s Evin Prison, starving. She’s on a hunger strike. Around the world, people continue to face similar violations of their rights to freedom of expression, free speech, and a free press.

As Scott Simon at NPR so beautifully stated, “This may seem a […]

Do YOU Have A Necklace of Sizzling Brown Fat?

Whoa! Weird and wonderful medical news this week! The New England Journal of Medicine published three

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simultaneous reports proving the existence of a veritable Loch Ness monster of physiology – the identification, at long last, of “brown fat” in adults. Say what? See, the conventional wisdom for many many years […]

Celebration Grand Rounds!

Amy Tenderich over at Diabetes Mine is hosting Grand Rounds on her birthday! Talk about going above and beyond the

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call of duty! The theme, in honor of the glorious occasion, is birthdays and celebrations of all kinds. Feeling like wearing a cone multi-colored hat with a too-tight elastic chin-strap? Want to […]

Telemalpractice: The Verdict

Many of you may remember the January Doc Gurley piece about a doctor in Colorado who prescribed Prozac over the

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internet to a suicidal 19-year-old Stanford student without ever seeing, talking to, or examining him. The student later committed suicide and autopsy results showed Prozac and alcohol in his blood.

Neither the […]