Zippy knew there was one place he really wanted to visit while he was here in the Bay Area – the Children’s Hospital of Oakland. Lots of kids get superb treatment here for all kinds of problems, especially the problems closest to Zippy’s heart – kids with brain tumors. Oakland Children’s Hospital takes care of all kids, whether they can pay or not.
Here is Zippy at the Family home. This is where families can stay to be close to their kids in the hospital.
Zippy had a great time meeting some of the Oakland Children’s Hospital front-line staff. Talk about being great with kids! When Doc Gurley showed up, holding Zippy, she got a smiling “Hi, can we help you? I see you brought your little lobster today!” which made Zippy feel welcome – weirdly, people often don’t say anything to Zippy directly when he comes to visit, but this staff knows to pay attention to the little things.
Zippy fits right in here at the Children’s Hospital of Oakland – he’s definitely a Hero for Health.
Zippy really enjoyed the great Oakland vibe
– here he is with some street art. He loves the saying, On the Frontlines, Fearless. That’s our Zip.
Here is Zippy at one of the world’s best café’s – Bake Sale Betty’s. The food is fabulous and the place is warm and filled with affection – Zippy saw the staff selling a sackful of food to a hungry-looking person for a dollar. All the tables are really neat – they’re made of painted ironing boards in all different colors.
The inside walls are retro chic too – covered in artfully arranged rolling pins. Here’s Zippy on the coffee machine. That guy loves his lattes.
What could make this day any better? How about meeting a celebrity who loves kids too? Here is Zippy with a famous author – Barbara Quick. Her latest book is a Redbook Best Books of Summer, and she has another book for teens/young adults coming out next year! Zippy went home in a daze again…he had another relapse of cartoon birds tweetering around his head. SO many wonderful people, all interested in helping kids! It’s going to be hard to leave them all behind. So what does Zippy do on his last day in the Bay Area? Tune in tomorrow and see.