Practical Rage

As regular readers know, we here at Doc Gurley like practical info – too often the news is full of fear-mongering reports, or information that you can’t use. So it’s the practical slant that we really like in this report on parental rage at children’s sports events. This study in Applied Social Psychology highlights the similarity between “sideline” rage and road rage – both are grounded in the perception that something is a personal affront to the enraged person. By pointing out these links, this report gives all of us some useful fodder to ruminate on, especially in this season of driving travel, and summer competitive swim season. And, if it’s a time of peace and rest in your house, you can chew on these tips in preparation for the fall sports season. Sometimes being aware of the root of the problem is enough. But if you’d like more, here’s just two of the many tips from the article to help us all avoid rage from this type of ego defensiveness:

  • Replace angry thoughts with rational thoughts, such as “This is my child’s game, not mine,” or “Mistakes are opportunities to learn.”
  • Suck on a lollipop. It will keep your mouth busy and remind you that you’re there for your child.

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