Summer Tips

Summer’s great but has it’s own health hazards. I’ve written about some of the more common ones before, but here are the most important again as our Summer finally starts to settle in.

Mosquito abatement. June is a great time to patrol your home’s area, looking for sneaky mosquito breeding sites. Now’s the time to […]

Don’t Get Rounded Up

With the news that Roundup has been shown to be toxic to human (and other mammal) placental cells in concentrations lower than those found in agricultural use, I thought I would look back quickly at an article I wrote about 2 years ago. The article is about using any weed killer or herbicide in general, […]

Spamming for Public Health

I have decided to spam for public health.

Phone calls, text messaging, and even apps have been shown to help improve health and sustain behavior change, even in people suffering from profound mental illness. But when it comes to using these tools for public health, there are two problems. The first is that each message […]

Does your city need a wet house for homeless alcoholics?

When you sleep with your bottle, you’ve passed a milestone in your addiction. You’ve got to have it against your chest, all night, easy to reach. Your relationship to it is like other people’s relationships with their smart phones; it’s crucial to your existence, always clutched in your hand. You feel unsettled when you can’t […]

Patients Satisfaction Surveys: Valid Test, Or Make-Work for Money?

Perhaps you remember Sam, the chronic inebriate whose story I shared to discuss the pitfalls of basing doctor pay on patient satisfaction surveys.

Looking at his discharge papers, I wondered who helped Sam fill his survey out, and how much their “help” affected the results.

After all, millions upon millions of dollars are already now […]

Is It Racist to Pay Doctors Based on Patient Satisfaction?

Take a moment to ask yourself whether any of these categories describe you or someone you love:

Never had cancer Psychologically distressed No regular health care provider No health insurance Lack confidence in self care Avoid doctors Minority race

If any of these terms describes you or a loved one, then you are statistically more […]